Sunday, 27 November 2011

5 weeks (and a bit) old

We've  passed the one month mark! Hallelujah! This means one thing.... I can use Gripe water :)

Of course that's not the most important thing, but it comes pretty close.

Since the last post, lots has happened- (in no particular order...)

  • Evie was registered so is now officially Evie Rebecca Angelidi
  • We had our first family photo shoot with the lovely ladies at Cocoon Photography (I'll post a link to the video in a separate post).
  • We ventured into size 2 newborn nappies, had explosive leakage so have slunk back into size 1's again.
  • Evie and Mummy went out with friends for our first Sunday lunch outing. I had lamb, she had booby.
  • The moses basket all of a sudden became too small, as did her newborn sleepsuits and baby grows.
  • She set her standards for bath time. Small baby bath? No. Being in big bath on her big teddy sponge? Acceptable. Bathing with Mummy or Daddy? Yes please very much, just keep me immersed and don't dally with that towel when you lift me out.  
  • The miracle that is cooled boiled water worked its magic on Evie after a bad bout of screamy tummy ache.
  • I got my first ever Happy Birthday Mummy card and I'll treasure it forever. 
  • Breastfeeding has become second nature for both of us.
  • I've learnt all the words to Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts and sing her to sleep with it
  • My electricity bill will triple due to the vast amount of laundry she creates on a daily basis. I might have to ask husband to wear his clothes 2 days in a row to offset it....
  • Peoples generosity has astounded me. Out of the woodwork have come old friends and distant relatives all wanting to shower Evie with gifts. It's so touching.
  • We discovered that if we do give Evie a bottle we have to religiously wind throughout the feed. Waiting until the end is not an option.
  • Sometimes for Evie, night is day and vice versa. Not all the time. This is her prerogative though.
  • Vomit can appear out of no-where and travel a fair few metres.
  • When changing her nappy, if she sneezes with no nappy on, something very undignified happens. Stand back.
  • Those little harmless looking fingernails are actually lethal weapons in the form of tiny wolverine blades that can scratch the crap out of you.
She has grown into a gorgeous little baby and brings me massive JOY every day. Each sleepless night and emotional breakdown (induced by aforementioned sleepless nights) is worth it.

In addition to the above points, this morning, I got a tiny giggle! I'll wait until she's better at them and get a video up asap.

In the meantime, here are a few token pictures :)

There's a little ditty that my mum used to sing to me when I was younger that sums up exactly how I feel -

'I love you up to the ceiling, down to the floor, all round the world and a little bit more'.

Until next time ;)

1 comment:

  1. I was only kidding when I told Evie that it's fun to stay up late and sleep during the day...

    The giggle, I cannot WAIT. I love this little lady so much!
